#Freedom debt relief scams tv#
If you have been sold on a plan from a TV commercial, radio ad, or internet solicitation preaching financial freedom, but now you feel like a “leaf in the wind”- you know what it is like to be a victim of a Debt Consolidation scam. This creditor can and will sue you in lieu of the debt consolidation “plan” and there there is little you can do to defend. It only takes ONE uncooperative creditor to ruin a debt consolidation plan. Problem is, creditors may not be “on board” with their plan and frequently opt-out of the negotiations. In our experience, these consolidation companies will try to work out a plan while your payments are building in an “escrow account” for months. Typically, they take their fee off the top and THEN negotiate with creditors. Some Debt Consolidation companies employ deceptive scams, such as setting up a hollow payment plan and luring their clients into making the first payment on the “plan” immediately. Unfortunately, millions of hard-wokring Americans have fallen victim to the alluring promises of ‘easy fixes’ that have left them deeper in debt and more desperate then ever. Debt Consolidation is making national news everyday. While Debt Consolidation may seem like a “quick fix” for all of your debt problems, the term can be misleading. What is Debt Consolidation? The answer to this question, depends on who you ask.

Debt Consolidation Scam Center by Mr DebtBuster